
    Process optimization of electron beam radiation on chilled pork

    • 摘要: 该研究采用响应曲面法,以辐照剂量和束流能量为变量,以菌落总数、红度值和亮度值为试验指标,优化电子束辐照对冷却肉(肉块的长度约为14~15 cm,宽度约为7~8 cm,厚度约为2~2.5 cm)既达到杀菌保鲜效果又最大限度不影响色泽的最佳参数范围。结果表明,在辐照剂量为3.09~3.63 kGy,束流能量为2.37~3.51 MeV的参数范围内,冷却肉菌落总数下降2个对数单位;束流能量与辐照剂量之间存在协同增效作用,但束流能量在杀菌过程中发挥的作用是最主要的。辐照剂量为2.38 kGy,束流能量为2.64 MeV时,红度值最小,在辐照剂量2.24~2.99 kGy,束流能量2.28~2.91 MeV的参数范围,肉色保持鲜红,与对照接近。辐照剂量为2.67 kGy,束流能量为2.55 MeV时,亮度值有最大值且与对照值接近;在辐照剂量为2.05~2.92 kGy,束流能量为2.09~2.80 MeV参数范围,肉的色泽保持鲜艳。电子束辐照对冷却肉既达到杀菌保鲜效果又不显著影响色泽的最优参数为:束流能量为2.80 MeV,辐照剂量为3.09 kGy。研究结果能够为电子束辐照技术应用于肉类工业和在线辐照设备的研制提供技术支持。


      Abstract: Effects of electron beam radiation on sterilization and color of chilled pork(14-15 cm in length, 7-8 cm in breadth, 2-2.5 cm in height)were studied by using response surface analysis through taking electron beam energy and dose as factors, colony form unit, value of redness, and value of lightness as responses. The results were as follows: There was an interaction between electron beam energy and dose, but electron beam energy played a leading role in sterilization. When dose ranged from 3.09 to 3.63 kGy and electron beam energy ranged from 2.37 to 3.51 MeV, the colony form unit would drop 2 logarithm units. The value of redness was minimum value when dose was 2.38 kGy and electron beam energy was 2.64 MeV. The value of redness was close to the control when the dose ranged from 2.24 to 2.99 kGy and the electron beam energy ranged from 2.28 to 2.91 MeV. The value of lightness was maximum and closed to the control as dose was 2.67 kGy and electron beam energy was 2.55 MeV. The value of lightness would become more acceptable when the dose ranged from 2.05 to 2.92 kGy and electron beam energy ranged from 2.09 to 2.8 MeV. The results showed that the optimal parameters of electron beam radiation on chilled pork were 2.8 MeV and 3.09 kGy. This study would provide the technical basis for application of electron beam radiation on pork industry.


