
    Postharvest physiology and storage technology of Xinjiang Kashi sweet pomegranate

    • 摘要: 论文研究了喀什甜石榴采后生理,并用6种处理探讨了贮藏保鲜技术。对不同处理的石榴,贮期测定了可溶性固形物含量、还原糖含量、可滴定酸含量、抗坏血酸含量。以鲜切石榴皮为材料,测定了单宁含量、抗坏血酸氧化酶活性、过氧化物酶活性,并对不同保藏期石榴果皮褐变指数﹑商品果率进行了测定。结果表明,喀什甜石榴采后用质量分数为4.5% 的TBZ(噻苯咪唑)粉剂用量5 g/m3熏蒸1.5 h,然后用厚度为0.02 mm的塑料袋单果包装,在温度为(2±1)℃、相对湿度为85%~90%的冷库中贮藏120 d,商品果率90%以上,贮后果皮色泽鲜艳,酸甜适口,具有较高的商品价值。


      Abstract: The storage technology of Kashi sweet pomegranates was explored by investigating the postharvest physiology under six different treatments. The soluble solids contents, reducing sugar contents, titratable acid contents and ascorbic acid contents were measured for the sweet pomegranates with different treatments. The fresh-cut pomegranate skin was taken to measure the tannin contents, the ascorbic acid oxidase activity and the peroxidase activity. The pericarp browning index and the merchandise fruit rate was measured during the preservation period. The experimental results showed that the postharvest Kashi sweet pomegranates which were fumigated for 1.5 h with 4.5% TBZ at the rate 5 g/m3 and then each packaged with 0.02-mm-thick plastic bag could keep a merchandise fruit rate of more than 90% after stored for 120 days in a cold storage house with temperature (2±1)℃ and relative humidity of 85%-90%. The pomegranates after storage appear generally sweet and sour taste, brightly-colored pomegranates skins and have a high value in merchandise.


