
    Fresh-keeping effects of Pyrus communis L. treated by 1-MCP at ambient temperature

    • 摘要: 为了探索西洋梨采后的常温保鲜方法,以“早红考密斯”为试材,研究了1-甲基环丙烯处理对西洋梨果实在20℃条件下生理代谢的影响。结果表明,在20℃贮藏条件下,1-MCP处理能明显延缓果实硬度的下降和色度的改变;抑制果实乙烯的合成,降低果实的呼吸速率,推迟乙烯、呼吸峰出现,并降低峰值。1-MCP处理与对照相比,乙烯释放高峰和呼吸高峰推迟6 d出现,同时降低了峰值,乙烯释放高峰和呼吸高峰分别仅为对照的69.6%和79.8%;1-MCP处理抑制了可溶性固形物含量和丙二醛含量的快速上升;在贮藏12 d时,果实的过氧化物酶、超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶活性分别为对照的 144.7%、113.5%、141.4%;另外,1-MCP还可以抑制果实的腐烂,降低果实腐烂率。因此,1-MCP处理可抑制西洋梨货架期的后熟衰老进程,有利于保持果实品质,提高贮藏效果。


      Abstract: The postharvest physiology and storage characteristic of Pyrus communis L. cv. Comice treated by 1.0 μL/L 1-MCP for 16 hours and then stored at 20℃ were studied. The results showed that 1-MCP treatment could defer the change of fruit mature and colour, reduce the production of ethylene and respiration and postpone the peak value. The ethylene production and respiration of Pyrus communis L. treated with 1-MCP were 69.6% and 79.8% of the contrast respectively, the peak of ethylene and respiration were delayed for six days. 1-MCP treatment retarded the increase of soluble solids and malondialdehyde content. The activity of peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and catalase were increased 144.7%, 113.5% and 141.4% of the contrast, respectively. Moreover, 1-MCP treatment could reduce rotting rate, maintained the quality of pyrus communis L.


