
    Positioning method for automatic navigation of agricultural vehicle

    • 摘要: 农用车辆自动导航技术可有效提高作业精度、实现农田规模化生产。该文以电瓶车为试验平台,使用 RTK DGPS、RTD GPS 和电子罗盘分别采集电瓶车的位置信息和航向角度信息,对农用车辆的导航定位方法进行了研究。试验时,以 RTK DGPS 采集的数据作为标准轨迹。在对试验数据进行空间配准后,采用 Kalman 滤波技术对 RTD GPS 和电子罗盘的数据进行了融合;通过计算综合权重值,对单 GPS 系统和融合系统的性能进行测试与评估,其值分别为 0.006、0.002。由此可知,采用 Kalman 滤波的电子罗盘和 RTD GPS 的组合导航系统,定位精度相对较高,稳定性较好,整体性能优于单 GPS 系统。


      Abstract: Automatic navigation technology for agricultural vehicle can improve position accuracy of the vehicle effectively and realize large-scale production of cropland. An electric bicycle was adopted as experimental platform and system performance with two positioning methods of automatic navigation respectively was analyzed, the one was GPS positioning method and the other was the method based on a fusion of two data source (RTD DGPS and digital compass) by Kalman filter. RTK DGPS and RTD-DGPS were equipped on the vehicle to collect position data, and the data of RTK DGPS was used as standard trajectory. Synthesized weighting values were calculated, which were 0.006 and 0.002 for the GPS positioning method and the fusion method by Kalman filter respectively. The results showed that the fusion method by Kalman filter had a higher accuracy and a better stability than GPS positioning method.


