
    Effect of liquid film mulching on growth and yield of summer maize under different soil moisture conditions

    • 摘要: 针对塑料地膜对农业生产造成的严重污染问题,运用对照处理方法,探讨了液体地膜覆盖对夏玉米生长发育及产量等方面的影响。结果表明,液膜覆盖使夏玉米株高和茎粗均比对照偏大,其中,低水分处理下差异最为显著。夏玉米叶面积指数低水分处理时液膜覆盖在生育前期较对照偏大,生育后期偏小;而中、高水分下液膜覆盖叶面积指数在整个生育期内均比对照偏大。液膜覆盖使夏玉米光合速率和蒸腾速率显著增大,有利于光合产物的形成。低水分处理下液膜覆盖增产效果最好,增产率达到56.97%,产投比为1.695,高水分下液膜覆盖增产效果最差,增产率仅为15.57%,液膜覆盖产投比小于对照。研究认为,夏玉米液膜覆盖能有效抵抗干旱逆境从而达到节水增产的显著效果。


      Abstract: Aiming at decreasing agricultural pollution caused by plastic mulching, impacts of liquid film mulching (LF) on crop growth and grain yield of summer maize were studied, which results were compared to the control treatment (CK). Results indicated that plant height and stem diameter of LF were greater than that of CK, and the difference was the most significant under lower soil moisture condition. Under lower soil moisture condition, leaf area index (LAI) of LF was greater than that of CK in the earlier growing stage, while smaller in the later growing stage. Under medium and higher soil moisture conditions, however, LAI of LF was higher than that of CK in the whole growing period. LF increased the photosynthetic and transpiration rate significantly. Under lower soil moisture condition, the grain yield of LF increased by 56.97%, and the ratio of output to input was 1.695. Under higher soil moisture condition, the grain yield of LF only increased by 15.57%, and the ratio of output to input of LF was smaller than that of CK. The study indicates that liquid film mulching is effective for drought-resistance, saving irrigation water amount and improving yield.


