Taking a certain small agricultural machine as an example for obtaining modal parameters of the whole machine during the design process of agricultural machinery. Firstly, the structural modal model for designing was studied by using NASTRAN. And then, the modal model of some complex outsourcing and general parts were studied by experimental analysis using LMS Test.Lab. Finally, the modal model of the whole machine had been obtained within LMS Virtual.Lab using free interface modal synthesis method which integrated the acquired modes of the structures. The experimental results of presented method showed that the maximum errors of the main natural frequencies were less than 5.5%, and the mode shapes were also satisfied with the experimental results. Generally, the proposed method can be applied in the fast and accurate design of small agricultural machinery for acquiring the structural modal parameters. Moreover, it also provides data support for the study of dynamic behaviors of product structure and optimizes the configuration of the design process. The proposed method clearly shows its important engineering role in agricultural machine design.