
    Effect of temperature on compressibility of rubbed korshinsk peashrub

    • 摘要: 揉碎柠条的可压缩性对其压缩设备的设计和压缩生产工艺的选择有重要影响。该文通过对揉碎柠条在22~140℃范围内4个不同温度下的压缩试验,建立了柠条在压缩过程中压力与体积应变、压力与压缩密度以及体积模量与压缩密度的数学模型,获得了温度对揉碎柠条可压缩性的影响规律。研究结果表明:揉碎柠条在压缩过程中存在松散、过渡和压紧3个阶段,在松散阶段可压缩性较好,过渡阶段可压缩性逐渐降低,压紧阶段可压缩性迅速降低。同时,柠条的可压缩性与温度有关,在所选温度范围内,可压缩性随温度的升高而提高;且随压缩密度的增加,温度对其可压缩性的影响逐渐增强。研究结果为柠条压缩设备的设计及其加工工艺的合理选择提供了参考。


      Abstract: Compressibility of rubbed korshinsk peashrub has great effect on designing compressing equipments and making choice of processing technologies of rubbed korshinsk peashrub. Based on the compressibility experiment of rubbed korshinsk peashrub at different temperatures ranging from 22℃ to 140℃, the mathematical models were established which could explain the relationships between the pressure and volumetric strain, the pressure and compressed density as well as the bulk modulus and compressed density, and the effect of temperature on the compressibility of rubbed korshinsk peashrub was obtained. The results showed that the rubbed korshinsk peashrub experienced three stages of being loose, transitional and tight during the process of compression. At the first stage, its compressibility was better, but the compressibility began to decrease gradually at the transitional stage and decreased sharply at the stage of being tight. Meanwhile, the study also showed that the temperature had an impact on compressibility of rubbed korshinsk peashrub. Its compressibility increased with increasing temperature in the above-mentioned range, and the effect of temperature on compressibility became more obvious as the compressed density increased. The results provide references for designing compressing equipments and making reasonable choice of processing technologies of korshinsk peashrub.


