堆高对生活垃圾中15 mm筛下物堆肥腐熟的影响

    Effect of stacking height on maturity during composting of municipal solid waste under 0-15 mm sieved

    • 摘要: 为了解小粒径生活垃圾的独立堆肥适宜性,并筛选最佳堆高,本文以北京市马家楼垃圾转运站筛分后的0~15 mm生活垃圾为研究对象,在南宫堆肥厂隧道发酵仓分别以2.5、2.0、1.5和1.0 m 4个堆高进行强制通风条件下密闭静态高温发酵对比试验。通过高温发酵(8 d)前后采样测定堆肥水浸提液的电导率(EC)、腐殖酸光学特性(E4/E6)、水溶性碳(WSC)质量分数、水溶性铵态氮(NH4+-N)质量分数和发芽率指数(GI),堆肥固相碳氮比(C/N)和粪大肠菌值等腐熟度指标,并应用模糊评价法进行腐熟度评价。结果表明:0~15 mm粒径的生活垃圾可单独堆肥,且1.5和1.0 m 的2个堆体的腐熟程度最好,综合考虑后推荐在隧道发酵仓中采用1.5 m为最适宜堆高。


      Abstract: Based on 0-15 mm screened municipal solid waste from Beijing Majialou Municipal Solid Waste Transfer Station, the research using closed static technology was conducted in the tunnels of Nan Gong Composting Factory to understand the feasibility of small size municipal solid waste composting and select the optimum heap high of composting. Four treatments were arranged, which had different heap heights namely 2.5, 2.0, 1.5 and 1.0 m, respectively. Samples taken from each treatment after eight day of high temperature composting were analyzed with the maturity indexes including electric conductivity (EC), E4/E6, water soluable carbon (WSC), NH4+-N, C/N, germination index (GI), value of fecal coliform, which was combined with a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to evaluate the maturity. The results showed that 0-15 mm municipal solid waste could be composted individually, and the optimum maturity heap heights were 1.5 m and 1.0 m. But the optimum heap height of tunnel composting was 1.5 m when there was more integration.


