
    Effect of hot air treatment on postharvest quality of Zhonghuashou peach

    • 摘要: 为了抑制桃子在低温冷藏中由于冷害导致的品质下降,以中华寿桃为试材,研究了热空气处理对桃子采后贮藏品质的影响。结果表明,适宜的热空气处理可以抑制中华寿桃因冷害导致的果肉褐变以及酸度、食用脆度的降低,有利于保持桃子风味和防止果肉变绵,对保持果实品质,具有较好的效果。该处理延缓了褐变相关酶——多酚氧化酶的上升,推迟了酶活性峰值的出现,但对桃子香味的保持无明显效果。热空气处理中华寿桃的较好条件为:48℃,4 h。


      Abstract: In order to retard the quality decrease of peach during storage, the effects of hot air treatment on postharvest quality changes of zhonghuashou peach were studied. The results showed that proper hot air treatment could inhibit flesh browning and woolliness, had good effects on keeping firmness, titratable acid and taste. The hot air treatment retarded the increase of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity, decreased the peak value, but had no obvious effects on keeping flavor. The best hot air treatment for zhonghuashou peach was: 48℃, 4 h.


