
    Simulation of hydrological effects on subsurface drainage of substituting perennial grass for corn/soybean rotation in Corn-belt of USA

    • 摘要: 该文针对美国密西西比河上游明尼苏达州农田排水氮素流失严重,近年来又大力发展生物燃料产业的现状,采用田间水文模型——DRAINMOD模拟分析了玉米-大豆轮作区改种多年生草类后对农田排水的水文效应。结果表明改种多年生草后,植物耗水量的增加使得农田排水量明显减少;较深的草根系,尤其是在干旱年份消耗了大量的深层土壤水,降低了地下水位。种草后的生物排水量远远大于其他工程措施(如增加排水间距或潜埋排水管等),可显著减少农田排水氮素流失对水环境的影响。


      Abstract: In the northern corn-belt of USA where agricultural drainage has been linked to excessive nitrogen loading to the Mississippi River, growing more perennial grasses has been proposed for bio-fuel production. This paper presents a simulation study on the hydrological effects on subsurface drainage of substituting perennial grasses for corn/soybean rotation in southern Minnesota. Long-term simulation with DRAINMOD based on 90 year weather records showed that higher consumptive uses of water by grasses may significantly reduce subsurface drainage discharge, especially in the years following prolonged dry period. The bio-drainage effect of grasses on drainage reduction is much more significant than engineering measures such as reducing drainage intensity by reducing drain depth or increasing drain spacing. Growing deep rooted perennial grasses may significantly reduce negative impact of subsurface drainage discharge on aquatic environment of the study area.


