Animals data base for energy potential estimation (ABEPE) model and farmer survey data were used in this study to investigate the estimation of Chinese rural household biogas production. On this basis, the biogas yield, family energy consumption, economic profit, and environment profit were compared between biogas household and non biogas household. The results showed that the average biogas yield of Chinese rural household was 450 m3, under 9 months normal working period annually. There was a very significantly positive correlation between size of pigs and biogas yield. Energy consumption per capita was significantly different between biogas farmers and no-biogas farmers. Biogas contributed 18% to household energy consumption, but provided 40% effective heat per capita. The employed biogas digester substituted 15% of the commercial energy used in rural household, especially coal. With biogas facility, energy consumption per capita was only 419.56 kg of standard coal equivalent, which was 16% lower than non-biogas family, and could decrease the total energy payment by 2%. 559-938 yuan would be created from biogas facility annually, and 0.314 hm2 woodland could be protected after biogas used. So, great profit can be got from energy saving and less commercial energy consumption when biogas facility is used.