Land consolidation is the main measure to reach the active balance of farmland area, and every executive step plays important role for the quality of land consolidation. Taking the case of Guozhuang, Feicheng City, Shandong Province, this study gave the success degree evaluation of land consolidation to search the better evaluation method for every consolidation step. To build the index system for the evaluation, 3 main indexes and 12 relative factors were selected in the steps of organization, scheme and execution. Terfel Method was adopted to quantize indexes and factors, and exponential sum method was used to calculate the success degree of factors, indexes and the whole project. The results showed the success degree of project organization reached 0.70 for the selected indexes, which was basically satisfied with the project. The main cause was the weak independence and unity of legal person, which led to the poor control ability and influenced the duty implement in the project. The success degree of project scheme was 0.74. Because they weren’t announced and closely combined with practice, schemes changed in the process. The project execution totally succeeded with success degree of 0.94. The success degree of the whole project was 0.83, which meant this project of land consolidation was completely successful. Empirical studies have shown that determine success evaluation method of land consolidation project is of scientific and reliable.