
    Construction of digital breeding platform for breeding pig

    • 摘要: 目前,虽然中国规模化养猪业快速发展,但是饲养设施和技术手段与发达国家相比仍然相对落后。该文提出数字化种猪养殖平台,利用先进技术和管理方法提高养猪业效益。整个平台从种猪生产过程和个体信息的管理到数字化监管等方面作了详尽的阐述,并逐一给出平台中各组成子系统的构建方法,利用无线射频识别(RFID)、智能控制、网络传输等多项数字化技术和手段,完成平台的建设,包括饲料的自动输送和精细饲喂系统、猪舍环境智能化调控及数字化表达、猪只个体信息的数字化表达和猪舍实况的可视化监视、种猪养殖全过程的网络化监管。该平台作为内蒙古科技园区数字化养殖的具体示范实例,将数字化技术应用到种猪生产,体现了农牧业生产过程科技化的基本理念。


      Abstract: Large scale pig industry has taken rapid progress at present in China, but the breeding facilities and technical measures are still more backward than the developed country. In order to improve the benefits of pig industry, a kind of digital breeding platform was constructed by using the advanced technical measures. The whole platform including the auto-feed conveyor and precision feeding system, intelligent regulation system of pig house environment, management system of pig information, visualization monitoring system of the pig house and the network supervision system of the whole pig-breeding process were realized by taking advantage of several digitization technologies such as RFID (radio frequency identification), intelligent controlling and network transmission technologies. At the same time, its corresponding constructing methods of every subsystem were illustrated in details in this paper. As a demonstrating engineering in Science and technology Park of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, it will play a significant role in applying the digitization technologies into all pig houses and further developing the digitization pig industry.


