
    Development of bundling small scale clean development mechanism (CDM) projects in livestock farm

    • 摘要: 为了探究养殖场小规模清洁发展机制(CDM)捆绑项目对减排的贡献,该文以湖北一捆绑CDM项目为案例,利用《气候变化框架公约》清洁发展机制理事会批准的方法学(AMS-III.D 和AMS-I.D),评估了7个参与沼气工程项目捆绑的养殖场利用沼气工程处理猪场粪污、沼气发电替代电网电能所减少的温室气体排放量,同时分析了捆绑项目的减排成本。通过案例研究得出,7个养殖场每年可减少温室气体排放86.5%,减排CO2 37 443.7 t,采用捆绑模式后,折合每头猪的额外开发成本对比单个项目开发额外成本降低了49.71%。该研究为同类项目的开发起到一定的指导作用。


      Abstract: In order to evaluate the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions of the bundling small scale clean development mechanism (CDM) projects in livestock farms, one bundling small scale livestock CDM project in Hubei province of China was studied. Using methodology AMS-III.D and AMS-I.D, which were approved by executive board (EB) of clean development mechanism (CDM) under United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change, greenhouse gas emission reduction by improvement of pig manure management and biogas utilization for electricity on seven pig farms which are bundled for a CDM project was analyzed. Additional cost of bundling was also evaluated. It has been proved that the advanced anaerobic system could reduce greenhouse gas emission by 86.5%,which was estimated to be 37 443.7 t CO2 equivalent a year of this bundling project. The cost of each head of pigs in bandting development compared to the non-bundling development was reduced by 49.71%. This study play a guiding role for similar project development.


