
    Improvement experiments on the separating device of buckwheat shucker

    • 摘要: 针对传统的荞麦剥壳机配用的上端吸风式分离器存在气流与物料混合不均匀,荞壳、荞仁分离不彻底等问题,为了进一步提高荞麦剥壳过程中荞壳、荞仁的分离率,试验在测得脱出物各自悬浮速度的基础上,对吸风式分离装置进行了改进设计,并对吸风口气流速度、匀料板的数量、通风网的放置位置进行了优化试验。得出试验因素的最优组合为:吸风口气流速度为8.0 m/s,通风网位置为中部,匀料板数量为3个。研究结果表明:经过优化改进后的侧吸风式分离器分离率达到99.3%,损失率为0.35%,证明对传统的剥壳机进行改进设计是有效的,达到了提高分离率和降低损失率的目的。


      Abstract: The paper aimed at the problem that traditional buckwheat shucker matched with the upper end of suction air flow separator, which air flow and materiel mixing asymmetrically, buckwheat shell and shelled buckwheat were not completely separated. In order to improve the separation rate and reduce the loss rate during the buckwheat shell, on the basis of measuring mixed materials suspend speed, the air-suction separator was improved and optimized experiment on suction air flow speed, the number of uniform plate and the position of aeration screen was carried out.The better level combination of main technological parameters was educed, that was suction air flow speed 8.0 m/s and aeration screen placement in middle place, three uniform plates. The results showed that the separation rate of air-suction separator was reached up to 99.3%, the rate of loss was reduced to 0.35% after optimized improvement experiments. It proved that it is effective to improve the traditional buckwheat shucker, develop the separation rate and reduce the loss rate .


