
    Preparation and combustion properties of inflammable carbon from poplar carbon

    • 摘要: 为了研究了胶黏剂的类型、胶炭比、引燃剂的种类和添加量、成型压力、成型时间等因素对速燃炭燃烧性能的影响,该文利用杨木屑经炭化后得到杨木炭,以杨木炭为主要原料,添加适量不同种类的胶黏剂和引燃剂制备速燃炭。结果表明:将胶黏剂A和杨木炭以质量比为0.6︰1的胶炭比混合,并添加占杨木炭质量分数为5%的硝酸钾,在25 MPa的成型压力下保持2 min,制备出的速燃炭有较好的速燃效果。不仅具有一定强度,燃烧时无毒、无烟、无味,并能在 5 s内快速点燃速燃炭。速燃炭的抗压系数达8.60 N/mm2,燃烧剩余物的质量分数为6.33%,燃烧时间可持续11.20 min/g,热值达到35 762.76 J/g。该研究可为粉末燃料的成型胶黏剂研制提供依据。


      Abstract: The inflammable carbon was prepared from poplar carbon which is carbonized from poplar chip, adhesive and ignition agent. Influences of adhesives, the ration of adhesive/carbon, type and content of ignition agent molding pressure and molding time were investigated. The optimum conditions were the adhesives A/poplar carbon ration of 0.6, potassium nitrate ration 5%, molding pressure 25 MPa, molding time 2 minute. The inflammable carbon was non-toxicity, smokeless, flavorless and quickly burning in 5 s, and have 8.60 N/mm2 of factor of against crushing, 6.33% of remains content, 11.20 min/g of combustion last time and 35 762.76 J/g of heat release. This study can provide basis for forming adhesive in development of powder fuels.


