蔡爱民, 邵 芸, 李 坤, 宫华泽, 张风丽, 陈 权, 王国军. 冬小麦不同生长期雷达后向散射特征分析与应用[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(7): 205-212.
    引用本文: 蔡爱民, 邵 芸, 李 坤, 宫华泽, 张风丽, 陈 权, 王国军. 冬小麦不同生长期雷达后向散射特征分析与应用[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(7): 205-212.
    Analysis of backscattering characters of winter wheat in different phenophase and its applications[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(7): 205-212.
    Citation: Analysis of backscattering characters of winter wheat in different phenophase and its applications[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(7): 205-212.


    Analysis of backscattering characters of winter wheat in different phenophase and its applications

    • 摘要: 雷达遥感具有全天候观测能力,其时效性保障是作物关键物候期观测的迫切需求。该文以全极化雷达遥感数据RADARSAT-2为数据源,选择冬小麦的孕穗期和乳熟期为研究对象,以理论模型MIMICS模拟为依据,分析了冬小麦不同物候期的散射特征和参数提取方法。结果表明:冬小麦不同生长期由于结构上的差异,散射特征差别很大;模型模拟可以为长势反演提供参考,为作物参数反演提供理论依据;孕穗期可以用极化比HH/VV提取作物长势信息,乳熟期极化比VV/VH更易提取长势信息,且精度更高,同时极化比VV/VH能在乳熟期估算冬小麦的产量。


      Abstract: Radar can acquire remote sensing information in all-weather. This is the urgent demand to monitor crop growth in some key phenophase. With polarimetric radar of Radarsat-2 data, the backscattering coefficients of winter wheat in booting and milk stage was studied based on MIMICS model. The purpose is to analysis the backscattering characters of winter wheat in different phenophase and to get the method of parameters inversion. The results showed that there was a great difference between the backscattering of the two stages due to the change of wheat structure. Model can give the reference of growth inversion, and give the theory basis of crop parameters inversion. The ratio of HH/VV can extract growth information in booting stage, while with ratio of VV/VH in milk stage with higher accuracy. Also, the ratio of VV/VH can estimate the yield of winter wheat in milk stage.


