武雪萍, 郑 妍, 刘恩科, 王小彬, 赵全胜, 查 燕, 蔡典雄, 白 洋, 胡育骄. 海冰水盐分浓度及灌溉次数对土壤水分和棉花产量的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(8): 25-32.
    引用本文: 武雪萍, 郑 妍, 刘恩科, 王小彬, 赵全胜, 查 燕, 蔡典雄, 白 洋, 胡育骄. 海冰水盐分浓度及灌溉次数对土壤水分和棉花产量的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(8): 25-32.
    Effects of irrigation times and sea-ice water with different salt concentrations on soil water and yield of cotton[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(8): 25-32.
    Citation: Effects of irrigation times and sea-ice water with different salt concentrations on soil water and yield of cotton[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(8): 25-32.


    Effects of irrigation times and sea-ice water with different salt concentrations on soil water and yield of cotton

    • 摘要: 为了探讨环渤海地区海冰水灌溉技术,于2008年采用微区试验,研究了海冰水不同盐分浓度(1、3、5、7、9 g/L)和不同灌溉次数对土壤水分及棉花产量的影响。结果表明,采用海冰水灌溉能明显提高土壤水分含量,尤其以播种前灌溉和苗期灌溉效果最佳,当每次灌溉量为450 m3/hm2时,与不灌溉相比,土壤含水率增幅为22.85%~31.32%,可以有效缓解棉田春季旱情。不同处理的棉花,以盐分质量浓度1 g/L海冰水、灌溉3次的处理的产量、平均果枝数以及单颗棉桃质量3项指标均为最高,比不灌溉处理增产38.63%;其次为盐分质量浓度3 g/L海冰水灌溉2次的处理,增产率为 29.8%。随灌溉水矿化度增加,产量呈现递减趋势,盐分质量浓度为9 g/L、灌溉3次的处理与不灌溉处理相比出现显著减产,减产率为28.48%。综合考虑海冰水长期灌溉效应及海冰脱盐技术,建议采用盐分质量浓度3 g/L海冰水进行棉田灌溉,降雨正常年份以播种前和苗期2次灌溉为宜,每次灌水量450 m3/hm2,并要注意配合必要的灌溉和排水措施。


      Abstract: In order to study the sea-ice water irrigation technology in the region near Bohai of China, the field micro-plot experiment was conducted to research soil moisture change and cotton yields using sea-ice water with different irrigation times and five salt concentrations (1, 3, 5L, 7 and 9 g/L) in 2008. The results showed that sea-ice water irrigation could improve soil moisture, especially during preplanting and seedling stage. The soil moisture content increased by about 22.85%-31.32% compared with CK (no irrigation) under the irrigation amount of 450 m3/hm2 each time could effectively relieve spring drought in cotton field. The cotton yields, boll number per plant and boll weight were the highest with sea-ice water of 1 g/L salt concentration (irrigated 3 times), which increased cotton yields by 38.63% compared with CK. The sea ice water of 3 g/L salt content (irrigated 2 times) increased yields by 29.8%. The cotton yields had decreasing trends with increased salt concentration of sea ice water used. The yields reduction rate with sea-ice water of 9 g/L salt concentration (irrigated 3 times) was 28.48% compared with CK (no irrigation). considering the desalinization technology, which and the long effects of salt concentrations of sea-ice water on soil and cotton yields, the results showed that sea-ice water of 3 g/L salt concentration could be used for cotton irrigation, in combination with drainage practices. In normal rain years, the sea-ice water could be irrigatted for cotton crops two times (before seedtime and at seedling stage) and irrigaton quantity was 450 m3/hm2 each time.


