杨 菁, 倪 琦, 张宇雷, 徐宝荣. 对虾工程化循环水养殖系统构建技术[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(8): 136-140.
    引用本文: 杨 菁, 倪 琦, 张宇雷, 徐宝荣. 对虾工程化循环水养殖系统构建技术[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(8): 136-140.
    Construction technology on RAS for shrimp culture[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(8): 136-140.
    Citation: Construction technology on RAS for shrimp culture[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(8): 136-140.


    Construction technology on RAS for shrimp culture

    • 摘要: 讨论了一种高效经济保持藻类生长的对虾工程化循环水养殖系统构建技术。并利用此系统开展室内凡纳滨对虾生产试验。养殖用水采用经室外池塘充分氧化后的咸井水(盐度14‰~26‰),放苗密度:500尾/m2,排放水经系统处理后循环使用。并且在试验期间,探索了一种低耗高效运行模式。90 d养殖期,系统溶解氧均值5.1 mg/L,氨氮0.002~0.15 mg/L,pH值7.62~8.29,获良好水生态环境调控效果。系统产量4.6 kg/m2,饲料系数1.14,每生产1 kg虾耗水 1 000 L、耗电2.16 kWh,取得高产量、高效率养殖生产结果。


      Abstract: The paper is focused on the construction technology of an economical recirculating aquaculture systems used for raising shrimp (Lieopenaeus vanamei) with microalgae. Original water used for the system was sea water, which would be oxygenated in the pond outside. Culture density was 500 spieces/m2. By the culture test, an economical mode was developed. In the early period, blower was used for aeration to supply the oxygen demand and the water was not reused. In the middle period, after about 15 days, all the water treatment devices were started and the water was fully reused. In the last period, oxygenation was added into the system. During the culture period, about 90 days, average dissolved oxygen concentration in the water was about 5.1 mg/L, TAN concentration changed between 0.002-0.15 mg/L, pH 7.62-8.29. The cultural test has obtained a good result, final shrimp output in the cultural tank were about 4.6 kg/m2, and the cost was very low. For raising 1 kg shrimp, 1 000 L water and 2.16 kW·h electricity was cost.


