
    Design and realization of remote monitoring system for soil moisture in citrus orchards

    • 摘要: 针对传统的土壤墒情监测手段存在的监测范围小、采样率低等不足,设计实现了基于ZigBee无线传感网络和J2EE三层B/S架构技术的柑橘园土壤墒情远程监控系统。系统采用具有ZigBee无线数据传输功能的XBee-PRO模块和ECH2O型土壤水分传感器EC-5为核心组成传感器节点,部署于柑橘园的各个采集点对土壤墒情信息进行采集、预处理和无线发送等工作,通过基于ARM9的嵌入式网关与Internet网络连接,采集数据传输至远程Web主机,通过远程监控中心系统实现对采集数据分析处理和系统运行的远程和实时监控。进行了不同距离的传感器节点发送数据包的耗时和数据包发送成功率试验,在1 km以内耗时低于100 ms,数据包发送成功率高于98%。试验结果表明,系统实现了稳定可靠的数据传输,适合柑橘园土壤墒情的远程和实时监控。


      Abstract: For finding a way to retrieve, transmit and store data in large-scale, full-coverage soil moisture in citrus orchards, remote monitoring system based on ZigBee and J2EE technology was developed and tested. The XBee-PRO unit with ZigBee wireless data transfer function and soil moisture sensor EC-5 unit as the core of the senor node, and used to take charge of data sampling, preprocessing and wireless transmitting collected data transmitted through the gateway based on ARM9 to the host web. Remote monitoring centre system could achieve data analysis and remote, real-time monitoring. Packet delivery rate (PDR) and time-consuming experiment results indicated that, a stable data transmission was achieved since PDR had a high success rate at 98% and time-consuming less than 100 ms.


