田 赟, 王海燕, 孙向阳, 禹 宙, 曹吉鑫, 张 璐, 赵 琨. 添加竹酢液和菌剂对园林废弃物堆肥理化性质的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(8): 272-278.
    引用本文: 田 赟, 王海燕, 孙向阳, 禹 宙, 曹吉鑫, 张 璐, 赵 琨. 添加竹酢液和菌剂对园林废弃物堆肥理化性质的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(8): 272-278.
    Effects of bamboo vinegar and bacterial reagent addition on physico-chemical properties of green wastes compost[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(8): 272-278.
    Citation: Effects of bamboo vinegar and bacterial reagent addition on physico-chemical properties of green wastes compost[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(8): 272-278.


    Effects of bamboo vinegar and bacterial reagent addition on physico-chemical properties of green wastes compost

    • 摘要: 为研究不同水平竹酢液及菌剂对堆肥效果的影响,以园林废弃物为原料,通过L9(34)正交设计以竹酢液和菌剂为添加剂进行静态好氧高温堆肥试验,分析了堆肥过程中各个时期不同处理的温度、pH值、EC值、全N、全P和全K的变化趋势,并对腐熟后各处理堆肥产品中的全N、全P、全K、Mg、Fe和S的质量分数进行了方差分析与多重比较。结果表明,添加竹酢液和菌剂的处理使堆肥初期温度上升较快,有效降低了堆肥产品中的pH值和EC值;添加竹酢液和菌剂对于堆肥产品中的全N、全P、全K、Fe和S质量分数均影响极显著,可有效增加全P、全K、Fe和S质量分数,且存在交互作用;氮以氨气形式挥发损失,与空白比较,加入菌剂会加速氮的损失,而添加一定稀释倍数的竹酢液可有效保氮;将堆肥产品间各指标进行比较,稀释1 000倍竹酢液2 L+0.5%“有机废物发酵菌曲”的园林废弃物堆肥效果 最好。


      Abstract: In order to investigate the effects of different concentrations of bamboo vinegar and bacterial reagent addition on physico-chemical properties of green waste compost, a static aerobic high temperature compost test with an orthogonal experimental design L9(34) was conducted. The variation trends in temperature, pH, EC, total N, P and K concentrations during composting were analyzed, and total N, P, K, Mg, Fe, S concentrations of the compost products in each treatment were compared with analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple comparison test. The results showed that the addition of bamboo vinegar and bacterial reagent made the initial temperature rise quickly, reduce pH value and EC value of composting products effectively. The bamboo vinegar and bacterial reagent had very significant effects on total N, P, K, Fe and S concentrations (p<0.01) , which made the total P, K, Fe and S concentrations increase effectively. Furthermore, there existed interaction between bamboo vinegar and bacterial reagent. The total N increase less because of ammonia volatilization, Compared with the control, the addition of bacterial reagent accelerated the N loss, but the addition of a certain concentration of bamboo vinegar can keep more N. The combination of 1:1 000 (v:v) bamboo vinegar of 2 L and bacteria reagent of organic waste of 0.5% has the best effect on green wastes compost.


