
    Farmland use right transfer and its driving factors in agro-pastoral interlaced region

    • 摘要: 耕地承包经营权流转因涉及到农业现代化和国家粮食安全,已经成为研究的热点问题。文章以内蒙古太仆寺旗为例,利用二元logistic模型分析农牧交错区农户间的差异对的耕地流转的影响。研究表明:太仆寺旗近一半的农户存在耕地转入或耕地转出行为;务农劳动力数、农业机械、种植业收入占比和畜牧业收入占比对农户转入耕地有显著正面影响,而对转出耕地的影响为负;由于机械替代劳动力,外出务工劳动力数较多的农户反而扩大经营规模的能力越强;户主年龄较大的农户不愿意再扩大耕地经营规模,但由于对土地的依赖性较强,也不愿意把自家土地转出;户主文化程度和劳均耕地面积对耕地流转没有显著影响。对农用机械实施补贴政策,会促进耕地向有扩大经营意愿和有明显优势的农户流转。


      Abstract: Farmland use right transfer between households is essential to the agricultural modernization and national food security and has aroused a wide concern. This article takes Taipusiqi County, Inner Mongolia as an example of agro-pastoral interlaced region, and uses binary logistic model to analyze the driving factors of farmland land transfer due to differences between farmers. Result showed that nearly half of the households in Taipusiqi County transfered in or out cultivated land. Households with more on-farm labors, more agricultural machinery, higher proportion of farming income and husbandry income, were more likely to transfer in farmland, and had much less possibility to transfer out their cultivated land. Because of substitution effect of machinery to labor, off-farm employment promoted farmers to transfer in land. Older farmers were reluctant to expand their farming acreage, while because of the stronger dependence on the land, older farmers also were reluctant to transfer out of their farmland. Educated level and cultivated area per labor had no significant effects on land transfer. So, the implementation of the policy to increase more subsidies for agricultural machinery is significant to promote land use right transfer and large-scale agriculture.


