王福林, 索瑞霞, 章 磷, 苍 磊. 种植业机械化程度与劳动力需求的关系模型[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(9): 181-184.
    引用本文: 王福林, 索瑞霞, 章 磷, 苍 磊. 种植业机械化程度与劳动力需求的关系模型[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(9): 181-184.
    Wang Fulin, Suo Ruixia, Zhang Lin, Cang Lei. Model of relationships between planting industry mechanization degree and labor demand[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(9): 181-184.
    Citation: Wang Fulin, Suo Ruixia, Zhang Lin, Cang Lei. Model of relationships between planting industry mechanization degree and labor demand[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(9): 181-184.


    Model of relationships between planting industry mechanization degree and labor demand

    • 摘要: 该文提出并探讨了种植业机械化程度与劳动力需求关系问题。其目的旨在发展完善农业机械化理论,为科学估算种植业劳动力数量和农村剩余劳动力数量提供理论参考。该文首先分析指出了用同型号的机组替代种植业劳动力具有线性替代关系,指出了机械化程度具有可分性,并对其进行了证明。在此基础上,建立了种植业机械化程度与劳动力需求关系模型,利用该模型不仅能够计算某一地区目前种植业劳动力需求数量,而且通过对未来各种作物机械化程度和播种面积的预测,也可计算出未来各时刻的种植业劳动力需求数量。最后进行了示例计算。


      Abstract: In this paper, the relationship between plant industry mechanization degree and labor demand was proposed and researched. To improve agricultural mechanization theory and provide theoretical reference of scientifically estimate the quantities of the labor force in planting industry and surplus labor. The linear alternative relationship was pointed out while replacing farming workforce with farming machine units with the same type, the separability of mechanization degree was also proposed and proved in this paper. A model of relations between the farming mechanization degree and labor demand was established. The simulation results of the model show that it's not only the current amount of labor demand in a particular area that could be calculated, but also the amount of labor demand in the various moment in future could be calculated through forecasting mechanization degree and sown areas for the variety of crops in the future. Finally, an example was presented for demonstration purposes.


