郭武士, 易 欣, 陈云坪, 王 秀. 基于WebGIS和条码技术的土壤空间信息管理系统[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(9): 251-256.
    引用本文: 郭武士, 易 欣, 陈云坪, 王 秀. 基于WebGIS和条码技术的土壤空间信息管理系统[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(9): 251-256.
    Guo Wushi, Yi Xin, Chen Yunping, Wang Xiu. Soil spatial information management system based on WebGIS and barcode technology[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(9): 251-256.
    Citation: Guo Wushi, Yi Xin, Chen Yunping, Wang Xiu. Soil spatial information management system based on WebGIS and barcode technology[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(9): 251-256.


    Soil spatial information management system based on WebGIS and barcode technology

    • 摘要: 针对精准农业土壤肥力诊断的需要,基于条码技术和WebGIS构建了针对土壤样品采集、化验和存储以及分析数据的空间管理与发布的松耦合系统。该系统基于条码技术对土壤样品采集、化验及存储等流程进行管理,基于WebGIS进行空间数据管理和发布,同时,基于Web Service技术实现数据同步,较好地解决了分布式系统中异构数据库数据的同步问题。应用实践表明,系统的设计思想和架构符合精准农业信息获取、信息管理的需要,同时,在大规模土壤调查、土壤监测领域也具有良好应用前景。


      Abstract: To the need of soil fertility survey in precision agriculture, a soil spatial information management system was developed in the paper, which could integrate soil sampling, testing, storage, spatial data management and release under a loose-coupling system. The system can manage the process of soil sampling, testing and storage based on barcode as well as release spatial data based on WebGIS. Furthermore, the synchronization problem of Heterogeneous Database had been resolved by using web service technology. Application in practice shows that the system design concept and architecture can meet the need of precision agriculture information acquisition, information management, while it also has a good prospect on the large-scale soil survey and soil monitoring.


