
    Design and implementation of the spatial decision support system for agriculture

    • 摘要: 为提高首都农业决策分析速度和准确度,依据北京农业现状及行业管理特点,利用全球定位系统(GPS)和遥感(RS)技术数据获取工具,以网络为信息传输与共享通道,采用农业业务流、时空分析、中间件等技术方法,建立起农业数据采集、处理、传输、存储、分析、应用的高效信息技术服务体系,重点突破了多源异构数据融合、空间数据在线增量更新和农业业务辅助决策方法与技术难题,建立了基于地理信息系统(GIS)的首都农业决策支持系统。该研究选取设施农业和动物疫病为技术应用对象,实现了设施农业建设规划和结构调整辅助决策以及在线编辑管理功能,同时实现了动物疫病应急防控辅助决策。促进了首都农业由传统型、粗放型、经验型向精细化、协同化、科学化的综合管理决策模式转变,为农业管理部门开展快速、科学决策提供了充分依据。


      Abstract: In order to improve efficiency and accuracy of decision-making of capital agricultural, according to current situation and features of the agriculture in Beijing, integrating global positioning system (GPS)and remote sensing (RS) as tools of data capture, and the internet platform as a passage of transmission and share of the data, using a set of new technologies, e.g. business flow, spatial and temporal analysis, and middleware, an efficient system of information technology services was built, which have the functions of collecting, dealing, transmitting, storing, analyzing, and applying of the data. The integrative innovation broke through such problems as a fusion of multi-source heterogeneous data, on-line incremental update, and decision-making methods for agricultural management, and established management and decision support system of capital agricultural based on GIS. This paper selected facilities agriculture facilities and animal diseases for technical application object, and achieved decision support about planning and structural adjustment of agriculture facilities and online editorial management functions, while achieving decision support about prevention and control of animal disease emergency. Running of the system proves a promotive transition from the traditional, rough and experimental mode towards to the precise, synergetic, and scientific mode and provides sufficient basis for agricultural management to make rapid and scientific decision.


