
    Experimental study on spraying disinfection with neutral electrolyzed water in a layer breeding farm

    • 摘要: 养殖场的定期消毒是工程防疫的一项重要措施。该文针对强酸性电解水(高氧化还原电位水)的低pH值 (<2.7)、腐蚀性大、制造成本高、不适合畜禽养殖中的应用等问题,试验研究了中性电解水(pH 6.5~8.5)与常用消毒剂(速洁和聚维酮碘等)对蛋种鸡场的带鸡喷雾消毒效果。考察了不同有效氯浓度、风机停开时间(作用时间)和喷嘴直径下中性电解水对鸡舍空气的杀菌效果。结果表明,不同作用时间下,中性电解水带鸡喷雾消毒效果均优于含过氧乙酸/双氧水的速洁消毒剂和聚维酮碘,且消毒效果随着有效氯浓度的升高而增强;较小的喷嘴直径(50 μm)带鸡喷雾消毒,可以提高有效氯利用率,对空气的杀菌率高。采用有效氯浓度为160 mg/L及以上的中性电解水带鸡消毒,喷雾结束后风机停开5 min具有较好的消毒效果。因此,中性电解水可以用于种鸡舍带鸡消毒,对发展无害化绿色健康养殖具有重要意义。


      Abstract: Environmental issues are becoming the main cause of severe animal diseases, which greatly restricts the promotion of animal husbandry. Regular disinfection in animal farms is an important measure to prevent epidemic diseases. Due to the limitation of strong acidic electrolyzed water with a strong acidity (pH<2.7), corrosion of equipment, high cost and unsuitable application in practice, the spraying disinfection effects of neutral electrolyzed water (NEW, pH 6.5–8.5) for inactivating the bacteria in a layer breeding farms were investigated and compared with the commonly used chemical disinfectants (peroxyacetic acid and povidone-iodine). The effects of available chlorine concentration, treatment time and nozzle diameter on the bactericidal efficiency of NEW were also determined. The results showed that the bactericidal efficiency of NEW was higher than that of peroxyacetic acid and povidone-iodine under different treatment time. The bactericidal activity of NEW was increased with increasing the available chlorine concentration. NEW sprayed with a smaller nozzle diameter of 50 μm can improve the action efficiency of available chlorine and then increase the bactericidal effect for inactivation of bacteria in the air. Spraying NEW with available chlorine greater than 160 mg/L for maintaining 5 min (the fan turned off after spraying) is appropriate for disinfection in layer breeding houses. Therefore, NEW may be an alternative to chemical disinfectants used in spray disinfection in poultry farms, which will be play an important role in safety of animal production.


