
    Temperature modified model for single-leaf net photosynthetic rate of greenhouse tomato

    • 摘要: 番茄单叶净光合速率模型是温室番茄环境调控中的核心模型之一,而温度修正模型对于正确解析番茄单叶净光合速率模型非常重要。试验根据前人确定的植物单叶净光合速率模型中最大光合速率的温度修正模型,通过对不同的CO2浓度、光强和温度条件下日光温室番茄净光合速率的测定,明确了日光温室番茄最大光合速率的温度修正模型中修正因子C的取值公式,并经拟合检验,结果表明在不同CO2浓度、不同光强条件下日光温室番茄最大光合速率下温度修正模型的模拟值与实测值拟合良好,说明可将这一温度修正模型作为日光温室番茄光合模型的温度影响子模型应用,从而使植物单叶净光合速率模型更好地适用于日光温室番茄生产。


      Abstract: Environmental factors modified model has an important role for single-leaf net photosynthetic rate of greenhouse tomato in environmental regulation. Based on experimental data and prediction literature, fundamental temperature modified model for the maximum photosynthetic rate of greenhouse tomato in single-leaf net photosynthetic rate was developed. Through the net photosynthetic rate in the different CO2 concentrations, different light intensity, and different temperature, a part of the data used to determine the parameters in the model, other of the data used to test the model results. The results, which were determined by the value of the correction factor C formula and by the fit test, showed that the simulated and observed data of net photosynthetic rate of the tomato leaf simulation model fitted well. This model could be as a sub-model of the photosynthetic simulation model of tomato in greenhouse, so that the photosynthetic model of tomatoes tends to be perfect. Single-leaf net photosynthetic rate of plant model is better suited for greenhouse tomato production.


