
    Production line and corollary equipment of biomass solid fuel

    • 摘要: 针对目前中国生物质原料复杂多样,以及生物质固体成型燃料加工过程中存在系统配合协调能力差、原料适应能力差、生产率低等问题。该文采用模辊式成型原理,研发设计了有强制喂料系统的成型机以及配套设备,采用二次粉碎工艺以及连续喂料与调制喂料相结合的混配工艺,提出了能够适应多种生物质原料特性的固体成型燃料生产工艺路线,建立了生物质固体成型燃料生产线。试验检测结果表明,采用生物质固体成型燃料生产线的每小时生产率比单机状态下提高了17.3%,经济效益提高13.3%,成型率达到98%,堆积密度和颗粒密度也明显高于单机,达到了设计要求。实现了规模化、连续稳定生产,有利于中国生物质固体成型燃料产业化的发展。


      Abstract: The production line and equipments of biomass forming fuel had been developed to solve the problem of coordination of equipment, adaptability of biomass resource and the reliability of key machine during producing the biomass forming fuel in China. The biomass forming fuel process method which can produce different biomass resource including crop straw and forest residue adapted two shatters method and the mixed method of continuous supply material and modulating supply material. The biomass pellet machine with forced feeding device and other equipment were designed. The production line of biomass forming fuel was established in Beijing. The test results showed that the rate of pellet was up to 98%, compared to single pellet mill, the productivity of production line increased by 17.3%, the economic benefit increased by 13.3%, the bulk density and particle density was also super to single pellet mill. Production line of the biomass forming fuel can reach to requirement and it can achieve industrialized and continuous production. It will accelerate the development of biomass forming fuel in China.


