
    Measurement of pork freshness by steady spatially-resolved spectroscopy

    • 摘要: 该文探索肉品光学参数与新鲜程度变化之间的关系,从而为无损、快速地评定猪肉新鲜度提供一种方法。基于生物光子学原理,应用近红外稳态空间分辨光谱技术,设计了可见-短波近红外多通道光学参数检测装置,在系统校准基础上获得猪肉在新鲜度变化过程中的有效衰减系数谱。研究了逐日获得的猪肉有效衰减系数与反映肉品新鲜程度的挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)含量之间的关系,并辅以菌落总数检测与感官指标评价等作为参考依据。研究结果表明,当肉品发生腐败,胞膜发生溶解破裂,其组织结构的改变导致散射变化;有效衰减系数在940、960 nm波长处与TVB-N含量变化呈显著相关。由此得出:在短波近红外范围内可以建立近红外光谱与TVB-N的相关关系,从而达到评价肉类新鲜度的目的。


      Abstract: The objective of this work was to investigate the relationship between optical parameter of pork meat and meat freshness, and establish a fast non-invasive method to evaluate freshness. Based on principles of bio-photonics and steady spatially-resolved short wavelength near infrared spectroscopy, a multiple channel visible and near infrared spectrometer for determination of optical parameter was established, which could measure (or obtain) spectrum of effective attenuation coefficient during changes in pork meat freshness. In this work, the relationships between effective attenuation coefficient and traditional indexes, i.e. total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) as an indicator of freshness, total plate count of bacteria and sensory indicators, were also investigated. The results showed that the variations in tissue structure influenced on scattering due to spoilage resulting in cells membrane damage and rupture; and effective attenuation coefficient of sample was significantly correlated to TVB-N value at 940 nm and 960 nm. The conclusion showed that the relationship between near infrared spectrometer and TVB-N value can be found to evaluate meat freshness.


