郭希山, 雷 声, 李 扬, 朱松明. 基于电喷高分子薄膜的SAWR湿敏传感器研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(10): 104-107.
    引用本文: 郭希山, 雷 声, 李 扬, 朱松明. 基于电喷高分子薄膜的SAWR湿敏传感器研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(10): 104-107.
    Guo Xishan, Lei Sheng, Li Yang, Zhu Songming. Surface acoustic wave humidity microsensor based on electrospray polymer film[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(10): 104-107.
    Citation: Guo Xishan, Lei Sheng, Li Yang, Zhu Songming. Surface acoustic wave humidity microsensor based on electrospray polymer film[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(10): 104-107.


    Surface acoustic wave humidity microsensor based on electrospray polymer film

    • 摘要: 研究了一种具有高灵敏度、响应快速、重复性好的微型湿敏传感器,可用于植株叶面湿度检测。传感器以单端声表面波谐振器(SAWR)作为基本元件,制备在零温度系数的ST切型石英基底上以消除温度影响,SAWR谐振中心频率为433 MHz。使用静电喷雾的方法在器件表面形成微纳尺度的含硅聚电解质高分子粒子簇薄膜作为感湿材料。结果表明,所研制湿敏传感器具有相对湿度检测范围广(10%~97%)、灵敏度高(500 Hz/%RH)、响应时间短(5 s),测量精度高(可达3%)等优点。


      Abstract: A novel humidity microsensor with high sensitivity, short response time and good reproducibility was developed for measuring the plant leaf surface humidity. The sensor utilized single-port surface acoustic wave resonator (SAWR) with resonance frequency of 433 MHz as the basic component. The SAWR structure was fabricated on the ST-cut quartz substrate with a zero temperature coefficient to avoid temperature effect. The silicone-containing polyelectrolyte was electrosprayed onto the SAWR surface to form micro/nano-scale polymer particle clusters film as the humidity-sensitive material. The preliminary experimental results show that the humidity microsensor has a good performance with wide detection range from 10% to 97% RH, high sensitivity of 500 Hz/%RH, rapid response time of 5 s and up-to 3% RH measurement accuracy.


