徐其军, 汤 亮, 顾东祥, 姜海燕, 曹卫星, 朱 艳. 基于形态参数的水稻根系三维建模及可视化[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(10): 188-194.
    引用本文: 徐其军, 汤 亮, 顾东祥, 姜海燕, 曹卫星, 朱 艳. 基于形态参数的水稻根系三维建模及可视化[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(10): 188-194.
    Xu Qijun, Tang Liang, Gu Dongxiang, Jiang Haiyan, Cao Weixing, ZhuYan. The objective of this paper was to develop a morphological parameter-based root geometric model of rice and realize the dynamic three-dimensional visualization of rice roots under different growth conditions. The three-dimensional display model of single[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(10): 188-194.
    Citation: Xu Qijun, Tang Liang, Gu Dongxiang, Jiang Haiyan, Cao Weixing, ZhuYan. The objective of this paper was to develop a morphological parameter-based root geometric model of rice and realize the dynamic three-dimensional visualization of rice roots under different growth conditions. The three-dimensional display model of single[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(10): 188-194.


    The objective of this paper was to develop a morphological parameter-based root geometric model of rice and realize the dynamic three-dimensional visualization of rice roots under different growth conditions. The three-dimensional display model of single

    • 摘要: 构建基于形态特征参数的水稻根系几何模型,实现不同生长条件下水稻根系生长动态的三维可视化。本文通过分析水稻根尖生长随生育进程的变化模式,构建了水稻单根三维显示模型,包括根节点初始位置和生长方向的确定以及根轴的空间模拟等;进一步结合水稻根系拓扑结构,以生长度日(GDD)为驱动因子,建立了水稻根系三维重构模型,包括不定根初始发生时间和位置、不定根初始伸展角度、不定根伸长速率、不定根空间分布模型等;然后在Visual C++环境下,结合可视化显示模块、场景控制模块、人机交互界面和数据库模块等,研制了水稻根系三维可


      Abstract: The objective of this paper was to develop a morphological parameter-based root geometric model of rice and realize the dynamic three-dimensional visualization of rice roots under different growth conditions. The three-dimensional display model of single


