邢 宇, 姜琦刚, 李远华, 崔瀚文, 林 楠. 基于RS和GIS的松辽平原黑土信息提取[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(10): 212-217.
    引用本文: 邢 宇, 姜琦刚, 李远华, 崔瀚文, 林 楠. 基于RS和GIS的松辽平原黑土信息提取[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(10): 212-217.
    Xing Yu, Jiang Qigang, Li Yuanhua, Cui Hanwen, Lin Nan. Extracting phaeozem information in Songliao Plain based on remote sensing and GIS[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(10): 212-217.
    Citation: Xing Yu, Jiang Qigang, Li Yuanhua, Cui Hanwen, Lin Nan. Extracting phaeozem information in Songliao Plain based on remote sensing and GIS[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(10): 212-217.


    Extracting phaeozem information in Songliao Plain based on remote sensing and GIS

    • 摘要: 为保护黑土资源并使其可持续利用,基于ASTER数据采用多元逐步回归方法估算了黑土有机质含量,利用决策二叉树方法和DEM数据等提取了黑土信息。结果表明:基于ASTER数据可快速有效地提取黑土信息;当土壤有机质质量分数低于2%时,估算有机质的模型精度受到土壤反射特性的制约而误差较大;在GIS支持下充分利用辅助信息可提高黑土的提取精度,使提取的黑土信息更准确可靠;根据研究得到松辽平原黑土带北起黑河市,南至昌图县,现有黑土总面积51 360.15 km2,其中黑龙江、吉林、辽宁省的黑土面积依次递减,分别是35 3


      Abstract: In order to protect and make sustainable use of phaeozem resources, based on ASTER data, the organic matter content information of phaeozem was quantitatively obtained by using multiple stepwise regression method and meanwhile, decision-binary tree method


