
    Problem and strategies on development of agricultural water management

    • 摘要: 当今农业水管理所面临的问题和挑战与50年前有着显著差别。当前发展农业水管理的目的是在水资源稀缺状况下,在满足全球不断增长的食物需求的同时,达到增加农民收入、发展农村经济、减少贫困、应对气候变化、保护生态环境等。为此,应从跨学科、跨部门的角度出发,审视和改善与农业水管理发展相关的策略与对策,其中包括加快发展节水农业、维系生态系统服务功能、加大灌溉投入、提升雨养农业、提高农业水分生产率、减少农业贫困人口、减轻或预防土地和水环境质量下降、降低废水灌溉风险、加强政策和制度建设等。改善农业水管理、增加农业生产力的各种努力取决于对上述发展策略与对策的合理选择及其彼此间的利益权衡。


      Abstract: The problems and challenges for agricultural water management are markedly different from 50 years ago. To meet the increasing global demand for food, new challenges have been coming: increasing farmers’ income, boosting rural economy, reducing poverty, adapting climate change and protecting the ecological environment, under the conditions of the scare water resources. Therefore, the improvement of strategies and countermeasures relevant to the development of agricultural water management is nessary starting from the thinking of interdisciplinary and various sectors. The strategies include that developing water-saving agriculture, maintaining the service functions of the ecological system, increasing investment in irrigation, promoting rain-fed agriculture, improving and increasing water productivity, reducing poor population, preventing and alleviating the degradation of land and water environmental quality, reducing the risk in waste water irrigation, and strengthening policy and institution building. The efforts in improving agricultural water management and increasing agricultural productivity depend on the rational selection of the above strategies and the benefit tradeoffs.


