
    Spatial pattern of cultivated land productivity in rapid economic development region

    • 摘要: 为准确把握区域经济快速发展地区耕地生产能力空间格局,基于农用地分等成果,通过抽样补充调查,建立耕地生产能力核算模型,在此基础上分析3个层次产能(理论产能、可实现产能和实际产能)的空间分布得到:较高的理论单产和可实现单产主要分布在以唐山市为中心向四周延伸的各个乡镇;而较高的实际单产主要分布在唐山市南部地区和东北部地区的乡镇;处在北部山地丘陵区的迁西县和迁安市等地区的一些乡镇的3个层次的产能单产都比较低;以唐山市为中心的西部和东部及东南部地区的一些乡镇的3个层次产能的总产都比较高,北部的山地丘陵区的产能总产比较低。基于探索性空间数据分析(ESDA)的空间自相关分析产能结果表明,3个层次产能单产的空间聚集程度顺序是理论单产>可实现单产>实际单产;3个层次产能的局部空间自相关集中在H-H型(高-高关联)和L-L型(低-低关联)的乡镇占到了全部的50%以上。进行产能和经济发展的空间耦合性分析表明,可实现单产和人均GDP及农村人均纯收入空间耦合关系较好,实际产能和地均农产值空间耦合关系较好。认清区域耕地生产能力空间格局及其与经济发展关系,可以为经济发展与耕地保护提供决策支持,对于土地可持续利用具有指导意义。


      Abstract: To understand the spatial pattern of cultivated land productivity in a certain region, a model for evaluating such productivity was established by analyzing the relationship between the cultivated land quality ranks and the standard crop yield per hector through sampling investigation data on the basis of agricultural land classification. With this model, spatial patterns of theoretical, accessible and actual productivities in Tangshan were assessed. The region with higher theoretical and accessible productivity was centered from Tangshan city, while the region with higher actual productivity was located at the south and northeast area of Tangshan. The hilly areas including Qian’xi and Qian’an were characterized with relatively low productivity for all three levels. The west, east and southeast areas in Tangshan were associated with relatively high total productivity but hilly area in north Tangshan with relatively low total productivity. The results based on the exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) spatial autocorrelation indicated: the accumulation order of three levels productivity was theoretical productivity per unit > accessible productivity per unit > current productivity per unit; in addition, the total area in H-H (high spatial autocorrelations) and L-L (low spatial autocorrelations) type accounted for over 50% of Tangshan city. It also indicated that there are good spatial correlations among accessible productivity, GDP per capita and net income of rural people as well as good spatial correlations between actual productivity and farming production. This is very useful for the sustainable use of cultivated land and development of local economy by understanding spatial pattern of regional cultivated land productivity and its relationships with the development of regional economy.


