
    Thinking of food security in China based on regional water resources and land cultivation

    • 摘要: 粮食安全是当前国内外关注的焦点,尤其是近年来国内外粮食供需矛盾日益尖锐。该文基于影响粮食生产的两大刚性约束——水资源和耕地资源,在系统阐述中国农业水土资源状况及其对粮食生产影响的基础上,提出保障中国粮食安全应遵循“寓粮于源、保粮于墒”的基本策略。并以海河流域为例,分析了不同灌溉条件下典型作物需水量、农田需水量的构成,从定量上说明“寓粮于源、保粮于墒”在维持中国粮食生产中的重要性。


      Abstract: Food security is currently a primary research focus in China and abroad. In recent years the discrepancy between global food supply and the need for food has become increasingly severe. Both water and land availability are rigid constrains to food production. Thus this paper analyzed the current situation in relation to China’s agricultural land and water resources and their impact on food production, and then suggested strategies that increasing the use of soil moisture and rainfall by crops to minimize irrigation when maintaining basic cultivated land to ensure an adequate food supply in the future. This was emphasized through analyzing the water requirements of typical crops and farmland under different irrigation conditions in the Haihe River basin.


