
    Impacts of water-retaining agent on soil moisture and water use in different growth stages of winter wheat

    • 摘要: 为探明保水剂施用后对冬小麦不同生育阶段水分利用的作用机理,在豫西丘陵旱作区,通过大田试验,研究了保水剂对冬小麦不同生育阶段的保水、作物的耗水特征、水分利用效率等的影响。结果表明:保水剂提高了冬小麦不同生育阶段0~100 cm土层的土壤含水量、促进了生物量的积累、降低了小麦耗水量、提高了小麦产量和水分利用效率。各处理中,60和90 kg/hm2处理的土壤含水量及储水量均较其他处理高,而耗水量最低。播种-拔节期,保水剂用量越高干物质积累越显著;拔节-孕穗期及灌浆-收获期,60 kg/hm2处理较对照增加的干物质量最高;而孕穗-灌浆期,30 kg/hm2干物质量增加最为显著。各生育阶段,除孕穗-灌浆期外,60 kg/hm2处理的水分利用效率均较高。最终,60 kg/hm2处理的产量和水分利用效率均最高,较对照增产47.4%,水分利用效率增加10.6 kg/(mm·hm2)。


      Abstract: In order to ascertain the mechanism of water-retaining agent on soil moisture and water use in different growth stage of winter wheat, a field experiment in hilly and drought farming region of western Henan province was conducted to investigate the effects of water-retaining agent on holding moisture, characteristics of water consumption of crop, and water use efficiency (WUE) in different reproductive stage. The results indicated that soil moisture in 0– 100 cm soil layer was increased, biomass accumulation was raised, water consumption of winter wheat was decreased, yield and WUE were all increased after applying water-retaining agent. While the soil moisture and storage capacity of treatment with 60 kg/hm2 and 90 kg/hm2 of water-retaining agent at each growth were higher than that with other treatments, but water consuption was lower. What’s more, from sowing to jointing stage, the biomass of winter wheat increased with the increase of water-retaining agent. Jointing-booting and filling-harvest, the biomass of treatment 60 kg/hm2 of water-retaining agent had the most increasing compared with other treatments. But from booting to filling stage, the biomass of treatment 30 kg/hm2 of water-retaining agent increased evidently compared with other treatments. At different growth stages, WUE of treatment with 60 kg/hm2 of water-retaining agent was the highest among different treatments except for booting-filling stage. It was concluded that yield and WUE of treatment with 60 kg/hm2 of water-retaining agent were the highest among different treatments, and compared to control, increased by 47.4% and 10.6 kg/(mm·hm2) respectively.


