
    Lubricating model of conical spindle distributing flow pair and arithmetic of model

    • 摘要: 为求解高压条件下锥形配流副的润滑模型,该文提出了综合应用有限差分法、液阻网络法和约束最优化复合形法的二元二目标复合形法,研究表明了模型解的存在性和唯一性,并通过实例应用二元二目标复合形法对润滑模型进行了求解。实例结果显示,平衡油槽的无量纲压力随工作压力的变化保持恒定,配流间隙随工作压力增大呈线性减小,而偏心率在工作压力范围内均略小于0,最小为-0.036。研究为锥形配流副弹流润滑特性的分析及其设计提供了参考。


      Abstract: To solve the lubricating model of the conical spindle distributing flow pair, two elements and two objects complex method was established by using the finite difference method, the resistance network method and the complex method. The research proved that the solution of model had the existence and uniqueness, and the method was proved to be feasible by example. The results of the example showed that the dimensionless pressure of the balance grooves kept constant and the clearance of the distributing flow plane had a nearly linear relationship with the working pressure. But the eccentricity of the conical spindle distributing flow pair was less than zero slightly, and the minimum value was -0.036. The study can provide a reference for analysis on lubricating characteristics and design of the conical spindle distributing flow pair.


