
    Technological characteristics and quantitative analysis of different conservation tillage patterns

    • 摘要: 针对当前中国保护性耕作技术发展模式类型多样,缺乏统一的界定标准问题,从保护性耕作技术的“三少两高”(即少动土、少裸露、少污染、高保蓄、高效益)的基本原理出发,确定了保护性耕作模式的共性技术特征评价指标体系,并以吉林省粮食主产区4种玉米保护性耕作模式进行案例研究。结果表明,4种模式的与传统的生产方式对比,均表现出一定的“保护性”效果,但综合保护度表现出较大的差异,其中玉米留茬直播种植技术模式的综合保护度最高,为26.65;其次是玉米留茬垄侧种植技术,为25.37;玉米宽窄行交替休闲种植技术的综合保护性显著低于前两种模式,为16.01;玉米灭高茬深松整地种植技术模式的综合保护度最低,为13.45。因此,在技术推广示范的选择上应该优先选择综合保护度相对高的模式,对于综合保护度较低的模式,应该进一步加强技术研究以完善该技术模式。


      Abstract: Conservation tillage (CT) is a kind of sustainable agricultural technique to control soil erosion, protect agro-ecosystem environment and maintain the sustainable land productivity. At present, there exist many types of development patterns and technologies of China’s CT, but it is lack of unified standards to identify the technological characteristics of different CT patterns. Therefore, based on the basic principles of “Three-Min. and Two-High” (minimum soil disturbance, minimum land-surface bareness, minimum field pollution, high resource conservation and high economic efficiency), an indicators system for quantitative analysis on the characteristics of CT was developed, and four kinds of CT patterns (which were “wide/narrow row alternation planting and high stubble mulching”, “direct-sowing on ridge side and stand-stubble returning”, “stubble mulching and direct-sowing on ridge” and “cutting stubble combine ridge with subsoiling”) on maize production areas in Jilin Province were taken as case study in this paper. The results showed that the four models of CT, compared with traditional production methods, showed a certain “protective” effect, but the values of comprehensive “conservation degree” (Cd) were difference, in which “direct-sowing on ridge side and stand-stubble returning” had the highest value of Cd (26.65), the value of “direct-Sowing on ridge side and stand-stubble returning” was 25.37, and the one of “wide/narrow row alternation Planting and High stubble mulching” and “cutting stubble combine ridge with subsoiling” were 16.01 and 13.45, respectively.. Therefore, the choice of CT extending should give preference to the pattern with relatively high Cd value, and it is need to further enhance technological research in order to improve the pattern with low value of Cd.


