
    Probing method of tree spray target profile

    • 摘要: 为了在线探测靶标外形并为变量喷药提供基础支持,研究了树型喷洒靶标外形轮廓探测方法。该文基于超声传感器搭建了靶标外形轮廓探测试验平台,该平台能够驱动步进电机精确匀速运动,以0.02 m为步长密集测量树冠形状,将获得的数据传给计算机实时显示,并能够在Access数据库中长期存储。使用该测试平台针对自制规则树树冠和花期樱桃树树冠分别进行了试验。试验结果显示规则树冠和樱桃树冠体积探测精度分别为92.8%和90.0%,表明该方法具有较高探测精度。


      Abstract: In order to research tree spray target profile probing method, and provide the theoretical support for variable spray based on real-time probing target profile, a tree spray target profile probing platform was improved. The platform could move sensors precisely, and densely probe canopy structure by setting a step as 0.02 m. The platform could record probing data into Access database and showed the results in real time by computer. The platform was used in probing canopy profile of cherry tree in the flowering stage and artificial tree with regular shape. Experiment results indicated that measurement accuracy of regular shape canopy and cherry tree canopy profile probing was 92.8% and 90.0%, respectively, which showed that this method has high accuracy.


