
    Optimization and analysis of bio-fuel logistics for biomass power plant

    • 摘要: 该文以广东某生物质直燃发电厂为例,利用软件EXTEND 6建立了一套生物质燃料从储料场到电厂之间的运输及处理相关过程的物流模型,用以模拟、观察并分析各种不同的物流方案。在保证燃料供应稳定的前提下,该模型通过优化分配到各地进行运输作业的货车数量和储料场与电厂内各种燃料处理设备数量,减少了货车接受处理前的排队等待时间,降低了总可变物流成本。模型最后给出了相关参数的最优值和最低物流成本值,还对电厂装机容量、燃料处理时间和货车工作时长对物流成本的影响作了分析,结果表明电厂装机容量在100~125 MW时物流成本最低,物流成本对燃料装载时间的变化最为敏感,货车的最宜工作时长为16 h。


      Abstract: This paper established a logistics model involving biomass delivery and processing between satellite storages and plant, to simulate, monitor and analyze various logistics alternatives based on the software of EXTEND v6 in the case study of biomass power plant. The model aimed to reduce truck waiting time before receiving processing and minimizing the overall variable logistics cost by adjusting the number of processing facilities and trucks allocated to different satellite storages at the prerequisite of stable biomass supply. The model gave optimal values of related parameters and the minimum logistics cost, and investigated influence of installed capacity of power plant, processing time of equipment and working schedule of trucks on logistics cost. It was found that logistics cost reaches minimum at installed capacity of 100–125 MW, the cost is most sensitive to loading time, and the optimal working time for trucks is 16 hours.


