
    Estimation of topsoil thickness in reclaimed field using EM38

    • 摘要: 该文采用EM38电磁感应电导率仪测量辽宁省阜新市海州露天矿场复垦区一块面积为5 000 m2的覆土层的表观电导率,试探性研究表观电导率(ECa)与矿区排土场覆土厚度(TSLT)的相关性。测定结果证实ECa与相同点位剖面挖掘所得的深度数据有很好的负相关性,而两层土壤的电导率差值与上层土壤深度之间存在一定的正相关性。结合地统计克里格插值,得到了该复垦区覆土深度分布的预测趋势图。研究结论指出,基于EM38测量的表观电导率预测矿区复垦区覆土层厚度具有良好的可行性,为废弃矿区复垦质量的客观评估,提供了一种实用、简捷的工程检测 手段。


      Abstract: The paper provided a case example of EM38 for characterizing topsoil layer thickness (TSLT). The experimental site was a plot of a reclaimed field with 5 000 m2 in Fuxin Mining, China. Covered by the topsoil layer, a thick layer of coal waste was deposited. An analytical model was described based on measurement principle of EM38. According to the experimental results, a negative relationship between ECa and TSLT was fulfilled the necessary condition of the analytical model. By comparing three statistical models, a linear model was selected as the transform function between ECa and TSLT. A 3-D mapping was used to reveal the TSLT visually. The results showed that it was receivable to estimate the topsoil layer thickness of reclaimed fields by measuring ECa with EM38. The study can provide a method for determining the quality of reclaimed fields quickly and easily.


