
    Desalination of dairy whey by nanofiltration

    • 摘要: 为了开发经济可行的乳清脱盐技术,提高乳清产品品质及其附加值,该研究采用截留液全循环连续错流纳滤操作装置对干酪甜乳清进行纳滤脱盐处理。考察了不补水纳滤浓缩及不同补水透析方式对乳清脱盐率的影响,以脱盐率为指标进行工艺优化,选取适宜的脱盐操作工艺。结果表明,在1.1 MPa的操作压力下,控制溶液温度为30℃,系统流量为4.5 L/min,纳滤至体积浓缩比(VCR)为1.5时,以渗透速率向截留液中补充等同于浓缩液体积的去离子水,在相同的纳滤时间内,脱盐效果较好。纳滤乳清经喷雾干燥后,相对原料乳清粉脱除了45%的盐分,乳清蛋白和乳糖基本完全截流。


      Abstract: For the development of economically desalination technology of whey and improve product quality and additional value. Adopting the whole retentate circle cross-flowing device, desalinization of sweet whey by nanofiltration process was studied in this research. We investigated the variations of salt rejection with or without adding water in the process of nanofiltration, and chosen the appropriate desalting parameters according to the salt rejection index. The results showed that, at 1.1 MPa operating pressure and 4.5 L/min system flow at 30℃, the best effect was obtained under the condition of continuously adding de-ionized water (same as the volume of the retentate)to the rejection liquid with the penetration rate up to 1.5 volume concentration ratio. After spray drying, 45% salt rejection was obtained comparing to the raw whey powder and the whey protein and lactose was completely retained.


