
    Rapid detection of vegetable pesticide residue based on hyperspectral fluorescence imaging technology

    • 摘要: 为了解决现有农药残留检测手段费时、复杂、前处理过程繁琐等不足,结合高光谱成像技术和荧光激发技术,搭建了高光谱荧光成像农药残留检测系统。在400~1 100 nm范围内获取叶菜表面毒死蜱的高光谱荧光图像,使用ENVI 4.3软件提取了农药的荧光光谱信息。研究结果表明,毒死蜱在甲醇溶液中具有较强的荧光特性,在437 nm附近产生荧光发射光谱,并且不同浓度的毒死蜱农药具有不同的荧光发射光谱峰值,随着农药浓度的降低其荧光特征峰值也降低。研究结果可为进一步开发和研究快速、精确的农药残留检测仪器提供理论依据。


      Abstract: Traditional methods of pesticide residue detection are time-consuming, complicated, and require a lot of pretreatment processes. In this study, hyperspectral imaging technology combined with fluorescence analysis was used for determining trace chemicals in vegetable samples. Hyperspectral fluorescence images of chlorpyrifos in the range of 400~1100nm for vegetable samples were acquired, and the fluorescence emission spectral curves from the hyperspectral images were extracted by ENVI 4.3 analysis software. The results show that chlorpyrifos have strong fluorescence characteristic when methanol is used as solvent. The emission spectrum of chlorpyrifos indicates that the peak emission wavelength is 437 nm, and hlorpyrifos samples with different concentration have different fluorescence emission spectral intensity at the peak, and fluorescence emission peak value reduces when the concentration of chlorpyrifos decreases. The results can provide theoretical basis for developing rapid detection instrument for vegetable pesticide residue.


