赵微. 基于格序结构的土地整理效益评价[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(14): 338-343.
    引用本文: 赵微. 基于格序结构的土地整理效益评价[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(14): 338-343.
    Zhao Wei. Benefits assessment of land consolidation projects based on lattice order theory[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(14): 338-343.
    Citation: Zhao Wei. Benefits assessment of land consolidation projects based on lattice order theory[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(14): 338-343.


    Benefits assessment of land consolidation projects based on lattice order theory

    • 摘要: 根据中国土地整理发展特点,针对土地整理综合效益(经济效益、社会效益、生态效益等)多属性决策问题中常面临的评价对象连通性缺失现象,提出了基于格序决策理论的评价方法和模型,运用格序结构描述评价对象的层次关系,通过Hausdorff测度计算反映评价对象与拟确界之间的广义距离,最终得到该格序结构在决策者偏好关系上的线性扩张结果。论文选取湖北省部分地区典型土地整理项目进行了实例分析,对其万元投资新增耕地数量、单位面积投资、新增耕地单位面积投资、农业劳动生产率增量、新增粮食生产能力、人均年纯收入增量、绿色植被覆盖率增加值、防护林保护面积等指标建立格序偏好结构、进行综合评价,并通过“属性约简”等方法进行验证、获得了一致的决策结果,表明该文提出的格序决策方法在土地整理综合效益评价方面具有科学性与可行性。


      Abstract: This paper was aimed to solve the connectivity absence of evaluation objects attribution. Lattice-order theory was employed to develop a framework to assess economic, social and ecological environment benefits of land consolidation projects. In the proposed model, lattice order structure was applied to reflect the preference level and Hausdorff measure was used to calculate the generalized distance from evaluation objects to their virtual boundary. The assessment result is one kind linear extension of lattice order structure under the effect of decision-maker preference relation. A case study of several typical land consolidation projects in Hubei Province was carried out to evaluate the selected attribute index, which were cropland area increased per 104 RMB, invest per area, invest per increased cropland area, labor productivity increasing, food production capacity increasing, annual net income increasing per capita, green vegetation area increasing, and forest protection area. Moreover, the assessment result was verified by attributes reduction approach, which demonstrated the availability of the advised model.


