The aim of this study was to raise the nutrition of potato starch residue. In the fermentation production of single cell protein(SCP) feed, potato starch residue was employed as main material, and bran together with horsebean straw powder were used as supplementary material. The mixed raw material was degraded with cellulose enzyme, and then was saccharified with saccharifying koji of Aspergillas niger and Trichoderma koningii to form a solid degradation mixture. The mixture was fermented in solid after inoculating 3 strains, Geotrichum candidum,Candida utilis, and Saccharomgces cerevisae to get SCP feed succefully at 28℃ for 55 hours. The rate of inoculating amount was 8∶1.5∶0.5. The quality index of SCP feed including protein, rude starch and sensory characteristics were analysized. The results showed that the protein content of the fermented product was increased from 4.08% to 16.52%, raised by 12.44%, and the bad smell was also eliminated after fermentation. Multi-strains fermentation is one of the feasible technique approaches to resolve the problem of potato starch residue.