
    Pollutant generation coefficient and discharge coefficient in animal production

    • 摘要: 畜禽养殖业产污系数与排污系数是畜牧环境研究和粪便处理工程设计的基础指标,但由于中国畜牧业环境工作起步晚,还没有根据中国畜牧业生产特性确定的产污系数和排污系数。该文根据中国畜禽养殖业的特点,提出了畜禽养殖业产污系数和排污系数的定义、计算方法,并结合典型猪场进行了案例分析。对于北京市某养猪场进行分析,结果表明:该猪场保育、育肥和妊娠母猪3个阶段的COD产污系数分别为每头252.8、479.6、493.4 g/d,全氮分别为每头20.4、33.2、43.7 g/d,全磷分别为每头3.48、6.06、9.93 g/d,在该猪场废弃物处理系统的运行情况下,计算得出了该场保育、育肥和妊娠母猪3个阶段的COD排污系数分别为每头44.9、64.1、22.5 g/d,全氮分别为每头14.1、20.9、36.3 g/d和全磷分别为每头1.0、1.8、0.4 g/d。研究结果为畜禽养殖业污染源普查、废弃物处理工程运行和畜禽养殖业环境影响评价提供了参考。


      Abstract: Pollutant generation and discharge coefficients in animal production are the key parameters for animal environment engineering research and animal waste treatment projects. There were no authoritative pollutant generation and discharge coefficients available in China because the research about animal husbandry environmental engineering started late. Based on the characteristics of China's animal industry, generation and discharge coefficients of pollutants definitions, calculation methods, application scope and application of methods were discussed combined with typical cases analysis. Under the application of a typical pig farm in Beijing, three stage (nursery, fattening and gestation) generation coefficient for one pig were calculated, which were 252.8, 479.6, 493.4 g/d for COD, 20.4, 33.2, 43.7 g/d for TN, 3.48、6.06、9.93 g/d for TP, respectively. Under the pig waste treatment system operation condition, three stage discharge coefficients were calculated, these were 44.9, 64.1, 22.5 g/d for COD, 14.1, 20.9, 36.3 g/d for TN, 1.0, 1.8, 0.4 g/d for TP, respectively. The results can provide a reference for the pollution source census, animal waste treatment system operation.


