
    Design and application of ultraviolet degradation equipment for pesticide residue in fruits

    • 摘要: 为探讨高效降解水果中农药残留的方法,设计了紫外线降解农药残留的设备,利用紫外线照射水果表面,使水果中的农药残留发生降解。同时以乔纳金苹果和砀山酥梨为试验材料,研究了该设备的使用效果情况。研究结果表明:用波长为253.7 nm,有效强度为2243 μW/cm2的紫外光分别照射农药残留超标的苹果和梨3、2、1、0.5 min, 与未经照射的对照组相比,经处理的水果农药残留均大幅度下降;综合来看处理1 min的效果较好。苹果和梨处理1 min后残留乐果的降解率分别是57.40%、60.12%;残留氰戊菊酯的降解率分别是42.23%、41.25%;处理后的苹果和梨中的农药残留均远低于国家标准。


      Abstract: In order to explore the effective methods for degradation pesticide residue contained in fruits, an equipment for degredation of pesticide residue in fruits was developed by means of ultraviolet rays irradiating. The degradation effects of pesticide residues contained in Jonagold apple and Dangshan pear was studied with the equipment. Using ultraviolet of 253.7 nm wavelength and 2?243?μW/cm2 effectual intensity to treat the apple and pear with dichlorovos, fenvalerates for 3, 2, 1 and 0.5 min separately. compared with untreated samples (taken as reference,CK), the results indicated that the pesticide residue of the treated fruits was reduced obviously. The results show that the treatment with 1 min has the best comprehensive effect which degradation rates of Dimethoate residue in the apple and pear are 57.40% and 60.12%, the degradation rates of fenvalerates are 42.23% and 41.25%. At the same time the pesticide residues in fruits are far below national standard.


