In order to realize the prediction of apple superficial diseases or disorders after storage, the ‘Fuji’ apple (Malus domestica Borkh cv. Fuji) was used as the material to evaluate the relationship between the aniline blue staining of apple during pre-storage and the superficial diseases or disorders after storage. The results revealed that the aniline blue staining index of apple pre-storage was negatively related to the good fruit rate of apple after storage(R= -0.947). In addition, the scale of aniline blue staining was related to the CO2 injury index (R2=0.9779) and decay index (R2=0.8394) after storage, but it was not associated to the superficial scald and the lenticels breakdown. It was concluded that the aniline blue staining of apple fruit could be used for the prediction of good fruits after cold storage.