
    Analysis on the hydraulic response of long distance canal control system during ice period

    • 摘要: 为了确保长距离控制输水渠系冬季安全输水,需要对其进行冬季输水模拟及实时运行操作控制研究。该文考虑了控制渠系与天然河道输冰的不同,以平封冰盖形成为前提,初步建立了长距离控制渠系在结冰期的渠系响应模型,包括水位、流量、闸门操作、水温过程和冰盖变化过程的模拟仿真。利用南水北调中线工程京石段资料在较简单工况下,对控制渠系在下游常水位的反馈比例积分(PID)控制器作用下进行模拟并分析模拟效果,指出冰盖糙率、控制器参数和控制策略对渠系水力响应的影响很大。研究表明该模型可用于长距离控制渠系结冰期的运行模拟及分析冬季结冰期运行规律,在此基础上可以研究得到更精确更贴近实际的模型。


      Abstract: In order to delivery water in Long Distance Canal System (LDCS) in winter smoothly, it is necessary to study its operation process. Considering the differences of flow behaviors between LDCS and natural rivers, a juxtaposition floating ice-cover model was developed, which can simulate and describe the floating ice cover formation process and winter operation responses of LDCS, such as changing process of water level, gate opening, water temperature and ice cover thickness in winter. Being a case study, the model was used to simulate the operation process of Jingshi canal, parts of the middle line of South to North water transfer project in winter. The simulation results showed that the change of ice cover roughness, parameters of PID controller and controller logics had big influences on hydraulic response of canal system. The study shows that the computer simulation model can be used to analyze the response of long distance water transfer control canal system during ice forming period.


