
    Influence of the irrigation, fertilization and groundwater depth on wheat yield and nitrate nitrogen leaching

    • 摘要: 利用ArcGIS9.0软件中嵌套地质统计模块分析河套灌区浅层地下水埋深(2009年)空间分布状况,结合在2010年3-7月间开展的灌溉量、施氮量和浅层地下水埋深对春小麦产量和土壤中硝态氮淋溶损失影响的显著性以及最优组合研究,确定出适用于河套灌区内不同区域的春小麦农业管理的最优综合模式。研究表明,表层(0~80 cm)土壤含水率随着浅水埋深的增大而减小,当浅水埋深≥2.0 m时,在同一浅水埋深水平下灌溉量成为土壤含水率显著影响因子;对春小麦产量影响程度高低是浅水埋深>灌溉量>施氮量,影响显著因子为浅水埋深;对硝态氮淋溶量影响程度高低是灌溉量>施氮量>浅水埋深;灌溉量对硝态氮淋溶影响呈极显著性,施氮量对其影响呈显著性,而浅水埋深起到辅助作用。灌区年均浅层地下水埋深主要有3个阈值:1.25~1.75、1.75~2.25和2.25~3.00 m。在灌区内浅水埋深不同区域内(1.5、2.0和2.5 m)时,三因素最优综合组分别为灌溉量(280 mm)+施肥量(尿素150 kg·hm-2,二铵165 kg/hm2)、灌溉量(320 mm)+施肥量(尿素150 kg/hm2,二铵165 kg/hm2)和灌溉量(360 mm)+施肥量(尿素255 kg/hm2,二铵375 kg/hm2)。


      Abstract: The orthogonal tests were taken to analyzed the significant of the irrigation,fertilization and groundwater table depth on the wheat yield and the nitrate nitrogen leaching loss from March to July 2010, and the statistic geological method was taken in ArcGIS9.0 to analyze the spatial distribution of groundwater table depth (annual average in 2009) in Hetao irrigation district. The results were used to make the optimal (minimum) combination patterns of the three factors each other which were suited to the different area in Hetao irrigation district. The analysis results showed that the root surface (0–80 cm) soil water content was decreasing with the increasing groundwater table depth. When the groundwater table depth was over 2.0 m, the irrigation amount was the significant factor with the same value of groundwater table depth. The influence of the three factors on the wheat yield was in the order of groundwater table depth>irrigation amount>fertilization, and on the leaching loss of nitrate nitrogen was in the order of irrigation>fertilization>groundwater table depth. The groundwater table depth was an inducible factor, the irrigation amount was extremely significant and the nitrogen rate was significant on the nitrate nitrogen leaching, respectively. When the groundwater table depth was 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 m, respectively, the combination patterns of three factors were irrigation (280 mm)+fertilization (Urea 150 kg·hm-2 and diammonium phosphate 165 kg/hm2), irrigation (320 mm)+fertilization (Urea 150 kg/hm2 and diammonium phosphate 165 kg/hm2) and irrigation (360 mm)+fertilization (Urea 255 kg/hm2 and diammonium phosphate 375 kg/hm2), respectively.


